28 November 2012


weddingdress3On my birthday last month, apart from the Italian food I had if you remembered, I visited The Weddings Dress, exhibiting gowns from across two centuries ago flew in from London's V&A museum. I'm one who wants to get married in my mid twenties and have kids one day. Since young, I tend to picture how I want my wedding to be, the gown...But I'll let God to guide me till that day comes.

Thought I'd get some kind of inspiration from the exhibition for my future gown but it was more of an eye opener for me – my first time seeing a 60s mod & winter wedding gown. My usual style may gravitate towards minimalism, I'd like to have intricate details on my gown. Not sure what I really want yet, I still have years till its time for me to look for my gown but I like something Givenchy haute couture fall 2011 minus the revealing design.

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