26 May 2014


IMG_1283 IMG_1257 IMG_1267 IMG_1273ksdjs IMG_1279dskdj IMG_1282 IMG_1287I have somewhat graduated! I say 'somewhat' because it only feels real after I attend the convocation (that is in September!), I mean that is what marks the official graduation isn't it? That aside, here's a little preview on one of my final year project. PURE – a fashion and lifestyle magazine that focuses on minimalism, which I conceptualised and curated in response to over-consumption and materialism in today's culture, while blurring the line in minimalism between the Western and Asian.

I am trying to refrain myself from ranting on about how tiring it was to create a whole magazine on my own from scratch. It definitely wasn't that easy having to churn out substantial amount of content and then photograph, write and layout every spread. Not to mention the endless editing until the very minute before I sent to print. Accompanying the printed publication is a flash site, branding guidelines as well as a promotional film.

Just recently, I thought about how this project could possibly continue. As much as I love the feeling of holding onto a tangible magazine or book, I wouldn't want to have this project printed (unless I get sponsors or subsidy?) simply because, printing really does burn a hole in my pocket. So I decided I could utilise this digital space as a platform to communicate my thoughts and ideas on living and embracing simplicity in the context of fashion today. It will neither be about fashion trends, making a long list of wishlist nor a never-ending lust for the latest it-bag, it-shoes, it-whatever. It will be about my journey to focus on what matters most, in reducing to enjoy true contentment. I hope you (I don't know who still reads actually) will also embark on this journey with me!

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