01 November 2014


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How did October just swept by like that? It's a shame I left this space unattended for a whole month. To briefly encapsulate my October, it went something like that – I went on a vacation to London and Paris, came back missing Europe, celebrated my birthday, watched Serena Williams play live at WTA Finals and after all the fun times, I reluctantly went back to work. Just like that, 31 days past. Soon enough, it's Christmas! And I'm definitely looking forward to it!

While I do not want to make empty promises, I'm hoping (that seemed to be a safer word to use) to update a tad more regularly than before. To begin with, I have started sorting out a thousand and one photographs taken during my 10 days stint in Europe. That's honestly not an easy task, especially when you're working full time. Oh how I've utterly missed the things I could do while I was carefree: cooking, diy projects, writing, reading...Well, in the meantime, I'll leave you with the Buckingham Palace and a view of the Eiffel Tower. Enjoy your weekend!

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